
SNEAKERS | September 30, 2021

Break The Mold: Deon / Tell Your Children

Hi I am Deon from @tellyourchildren – and this is how we Break the Mold Story with JD Sports. 

TYC is short for Tell Your Children, a small creative studio based in Singapore. I started TYC back in 2014alongside three incredibly talented schoolmates (Russell, Lydia, Kevin) and we’ve grown to 7 people since. TYC came from wanting to collaborate with friends to taking on bigger projects that might be too tough for one person to handle alone.  That philosophy drives us as we grow our projects till this day.

What is “TYC” , who is the team behind it and how did it come about?​

TYC is short for Tell Your Children, a small creative studio based in Singapore. I started TYC back in 2014 alongside three incredibly talented school mates (Russell, Lydia, Kevin) and we’ve grown to 7 people since. It came about from wanting to collaborate with friends to take on bigger projects that might be too tough for one person to handle alone, and that mindset still drives us today as our projects get bigger and bigger.


As part of of TYC, what do you inspire to be and how have you been breaking norms (breaking the mold) since the brand’s inception?

It may sound cheesy but I aspire to be the best version of myself– to be kinder, to be honest and to stay constantly inspired. Starting a creative business from scratch with close-to-zero work experience was one way of us breaking the mold and showing younger creatives it is possible to chase unconventional dreams in a city like Singapore. TYC have also always aimed to put our peoples and relationships first and foremost before any work or profit which is something rarely heard of in Singaporean companies, especially in corporate jobs.

What advice would you give yourself at the start of the brand’s career?​

Trust your gut but don’t be so stubborn! 

It may sound cheesy but I aspire to be the best version of myself—to be kinder, honest and to stay constantly inspired. Starting a creative business from scratch with close-to-zero work experience was one way for us to break the mold and show younger creatives the possibilities of chasing unconventional dreams in a city like Singapore.

TYC aimed to always put our people and relationships first and foremost before work or profit, which is unheard of amidst growing companies in Singapore, particularly in corporate jobs. Fun Fact – Did you know that Nike’s first pair of running shoes were inspired by a waffle machine? Next fun fact – you can shop the Nike Waffle One collection right now online and in-store. 

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